Friday, February 27, 2009

Sponsorship / Endorsement Deal In The Works For HB Models

Good Morning Ladies,

I am in the process of working out a Sponsorship / Endorsement Deal with EcoWater TG. This deal would pay for cabana's and tables at the clubs for us to promote this new brand of water. Please check out their website and myspace, I would like to know your thoughts.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Welcome J. Paris to HB Models

Please help me welcome J. Paris to our team. Please stop and visit her on her Official Myspace.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Ladies

This year will be the year some of you finally make your break-through, but the work, effort, and determination is up to you. I can do my part but you HAVE to do yours, that means follow through on what YOU SAY you want, stop with the excuses. If you cannot make the time and the sacrifices to do this business then don't start and waste others time. You have to be consistent and have the ambition to succeed, I can't give you that it has to come from yourself.

Since this is a new year there will be a new way we do business:

1. I will only work for models that HB Models has a contract with.
2. You shall attend meetings and events (if you can't then I can't work for you, you can't get the right exposure sitting at home - RIGHT?)
3. HB Models will only work for 4 Las Vegas models at a time, I will continue to work for the models in other states at my discretion.
4. You must have the tools to marketed in this business, business and comp cards, website, professional photos, and model profiles. within 90 days of contract - No Exceptions (Don't I need something to work with to market you in a professional and aggressive manner to get you work?)
5. You shall pay attention to detail, learn this business, and rehearse this business.
6. I will not work for any model with boyfriends (do i really need to explain why?)

If this is too much to ask for then please let me know so I can release your from our company and move on. This coming year has alot in store even with the bad economy I have been working hard to secure modeling gigs for whom ever I work for, don't you need the money?

Always know this, there is always someone that will work harder than you to get what THEY want. This business is very competitive and if you can't or won't put in the effort to compete then you already lost. Just like with anything else in life.

Good Luck and I am looking forward to making this year successful for HB Models and our clients



Sign Up To These Convention Staff Agencies

Trade Show Models
If you are interested in being a promotional model for Trade Show Models and to receive talent calls please e-mail: with the subject "New Model". You MUST include photos and any related experience. Please no phone calls.
is always looking for women & men that are outgoing, energetic, and have high customer service skills that are interested in the exciting profession of Tradeshows.

Please e-mail or send by mail a recent headshot and body shot with resume to You will be contacted by an representative to setup a personal interview.

Thanks for your interest in joining the team!

M4 Agency

Monday, December 29, 2008

So you want to be a model?

So you want to be a model?

Well, you have picked a tough and competitive business that requires a lot of hard work, patience, and the ability to take rejection well and often.

There is a simple fact about the business of modeling...
The most successful models fail many more times than they succeed.

It is simply the nature of the business. Generally several models if not ten or twenty are submitted for the same job - not everyone can get the job and nobody is picked for every job.

Modeling is NOT the glamorous profession that is portrayed in the movies and reality TV shows.

In fact the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that for the year 2006, the job of being a model ranked #8 on the list of Top 10 Worst Jobs in the United States. Models made a median hourly wage of $11.22, a bit less than twice the minimum wage of $5.85. Not so glamorous. Most models work part time.

On the plus side, it is a business that can give you the opportunity to meet lots of creative people, have a lot of fun and make some money and who knows, for the very lucky few even travel and notoriety.

The reality is that this is a BUSINESS--just like any other business--that requires constant research and marketing to keep up with trends and to keep your face in front of the agencies that you have employed to market you.

Models must take care of themselves and work hard to maintain a marketable image. Photo shoots can be long and difficult and take place in less than desirable conditions.

Still interested? Ok - here is where you start...

To begin work as a commercial model - you need a professional modeling portfolio and a comp card.

Your modeling portfolio is the most important expenditure you will make in the business of becoming a model. It is your marketing tool. It is how you will show modeling agencies and potential clients that you have the ability to act and portray the characters that they need for their advertising campaign.

Your modeling portfolio and the comp card (zed card) that you have printed will ALWAYS be seen by a potential agency or client - before you are.

The modeling portfolio should be filled with photographs that look as though they have been published. You want people to assume that the pictures in your book have been used in a commercial advertisement or fashion magazine.

Certainly - if you are asked, be honest. But you want to impress people with images that look as close to the real thing as possible and show not only how attractive you are - but how much personality you have.

Also - remember the rule - "Less is BETTER!" You don't win any prizes for having more photos than anyone else. You are competing against many other models for jobs. Your pictures need to have the "WOW Factor". They need to be professional - visually catching and most importantly - make you look incredible and show how much personality you have.

The column to the right contains links to pages that should help to get you off to a good start!


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pre New Years Eve Party in Tampa With Trey Songz and Young "Soulja" Skrilla

Pre New Years Eve Party in Tampa With Trey Songz, Young "Soulja" Skrilla, and Tampa, Florida own S.D.C Boys.

click to Purchase Tickets Online

Tickets Can Be Purchased Online At